What to Do When Selling Customized T-Shirts

Running a business is not an easy task. However, your business can take off with the proper management. Part of that means engaging in communication with your customers and building a significant online presence. You can keep on doing this to maintain the status quo or continue the improvements, but one way of doing so is creating custom merchandise. 

There are many types of custom merchandise that you can make, but most creators go for t-shirts. Plain t-shirts are accessible and versatile because you only need to put the print on them. Aside from that, custom t-shirts aren’t exclusive to businesses because even artists and musicians can do so.

Since you’re a business entity, giving t-shirts is a way of giving back to those who patronize your brand. A customized t-shirt promotes the brand, keeps customers engaged, and also raises funds for future projects. 

For this reason, it’s essential to know what to do to be successful in your endeavors regarding custom t-shirts. Read on below to learn more.

Identify the Target of Your Custom T-Shirt

Sure, you already know your audience because it can be anyone who patronizes your brand. However, there’s also an opportunity to show it to others who haven’t heard of your brand yet. If they get intrigued by it when one of your loyal customers is wearing it out in public, they might check you out.

To get the best possible outcome, consider any of the following questions:

  • Who’s going to order your custom shirts?

  • How do you engage with your customers?

  • Do you need to promote a product?

The success of your customized shirts will be dependent on two things. The first is your goal for their creation, and the second is what your audience wants.

Create the Perfect Design

The design creation process is perhaps the most exciting and fun part. In some cases, it can be pretty hard since there’s too much ground to cover. To make things easier, here are some things to do:

  • Consider the color of the shirt itself

  • Use current design trends

  • Use your existing branding materials

It’s important to note that using your current branding materials will be a good move since it helps build brand identity and awareness.

Find the Right Platform for Custom T-Shirt 

Now that you’ve created your custom t-shirts, you must find the best platform that you can sell your t-shirts. There are many great platforms that you can choose from, but you should prioritize the ease of access and navigation on the buyer’s part. This also includes shipping directly to their addresses, along with a wide selection of payment options.

Promotion Time

The only thing left to do is to promote your custom t-shirts. Since you’re a business, you should get your patrons engaged, which will generate some excitement on the merchandise. 

It’s recommended that you do any of the following:

  • Scheduled posts on various social media channels, which builds up hype

  • Visuals of how the t-shirts will look when worn

  • Links that bring users directly to the platform where they can order the shirts

Since you’ll be using social media, you can also ask your loyal followers to share posts about the custom t-shirts. You can also create a hashtag for better hits about the status of the promotion.


Customized t-shirts are an excellent way to keep your customers happy and patronizing your business. As long as the final product is well-made and in line with your brand, it will sell. There’s also the possibility of other people knowing about your brand since your patrons will wear their shirts anywhere!

Certified Print Co provides top-quality services for custom t-shirt printing in Denver. The process is pretty straightforward since all you have to do is pick a shirt, design it, and check it out. The best thing about choosing us is that everything is done online, which means less effort on your part. Get started today!


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