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8 Simple Ways You Can Elevate Your T-Shirt Design

When it comes to custom apparel printing, some definitive factors can make a design look fresh, unique, and well-made. If you want to make a print that’s fit for a shirt you’ll be displaying for all the world to see, then you should elevate the design using some handy tips. 

1 - Pitch Your Concept 

Take your time when creating your concept for the design. Even if you want to hit a deadline, you can rush out any old design for the sake of getting it done. Select a team of trusted individuals with an eye for design and pitch your concept to see how well your vision translates to others. This will also give you enough space to make any necessary changes.

2 - Don’t Shy Away From Mock-Ups

Things don’t always work well when transferred onto a new medium. Designs may look one way when using a digital sketch pad, but it doesn’t necessarily fit into a shirt’s layout. Make sure you are using mock-ups with different shirts and models to see how your design comes out.

This can help you with sizing and the like, so you can have an initial sample print that is already more informed. It can be a waste of ink and time if you just print a batch without testing out the look. 

3 - Set a Target Audience

If you’re planning to commercialize your design, it’s best to pin down the demographic you’re going for. This should give you a good idea of the market’s taste and interests, including their buying habits. It should narrow down what kind of designs you can work with to attract consumers best.

4 - Don’t Go Overboard

It’s tempting to go all out to make something unique and attention-grabbing. However, you also run the risk of making a cluttered design that doesn’t look too visually appealing and may even be difficult to print. 

Remember that you only really need some well-done key details to make a memorable design.

5 - Follow a Good Color Palette

People are drawn to colors that complement each other. You want to set a specific color scheme when making a design because this can really set the tone of the shirt. Consider the reaction you want to evoke from your audience and base your design hues on that. Color plays a massive part in brand recognition and first impressions.

6 - Keep Things Pantone For PrintinG

Don’t give yourself a harder time than you need to during the printing process. Many individuals choose CMYK because it’s cheaper and faster, but Pantone is best for producing exact colors. This can give you the freedom to use precise color mixes and be assured that each print is consistent with the rest. 

Of course, it’s recommended to stick to around three to four colors at most when using Pantone. Any more, and you’ll see the costs and lead times increase.

7 - Know Your Shirts

You should know that there is more than one kind of t-shirt. You need to consider the neckline, fit, and cut of the shirts to see which designs work best and how to place them on the fabric. Certain adjustments may be needed depending on the layout and texture of your chosen t-shirts.

8 - Make Sure Your Printer Is Good

Don’t scrimp on your printer. This will determine how good your designs come out. No matter how good your concept is, it won’t mean much if the final product isn’t well-made.


The best T-shirt printing designs are the ones that don’t feel derivative, and you can see the creator took great care with the print. If you take your time in designing and picking materials for your t-shirt, it will definitely come through in the final product. The effort you put into the whole process can be the distinguishing factor between art and just another entry into an already saturated market.

Check out Certified Print Co for custom T-shirt printing in Denver. Easily craft the design you want in our design lab. Get started today!