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Proven Tips in Making a Great T-Shirt for Your Event

Organizing an event is never easy. There are a lot of things that you must consider before even inviting people to attend the whole gathering. You have to process significant aspects such as the venue, the food for the guests, the registration process, the entertainment performers, the stage, the lights, and other important logistical needs. The thing about an event is that you may be able to make it more memorable by providing some relevant merchandise for the attendees.

Sure, you may be able to get away with a simple monochromatic shirt stamped with a small logo on the side, but such a gesture may seem too simple for the taste of all those in attendance. For this reason, you must also remember the different factors that will allow you to come up with a great t-shirt design. It isn’t so much about staying true to the theme of the gathering, but it is also about being able to establish a connection between the event and its main attendees.

To achieve that, you must take note of all the valuable tips and tricks that we have listed below for your reference.

Consider the Main Theme and Purpose of the Event

Are you organizing a concert? Are you establishing a charity event? Are you forming an event to welcome a local hero back home? These questions will best help you determine what the purpose of the event is. After getting a clear idea of that, you will be able to design a shirt that relates to the whole theme of the gathering. Logos and taglines aside, you will be able to come up with more samples of images and colors that greatly express the theme without being too blatant about it.

Remember, your attendees shouldn’t feel like they are out of place while wearing the shirt. Instead, they must be able to feel welcome amongst the huge number of people in the event.

Pick the Right Garment or Fabric

This may seem like a minor detail since people are going to lean more on the visual design of it rather than its durability. However, this may play an important role, depending on the type of gathering that you are planning to organize. Some events like a sports meet or a rock concert may end up getting too rough for their own good; thus, a weak fabric may get torn during the whole celebration, giving your attendees a reason to ask for refunds.

A strong garment will at least enable everyone to wear their colors proud, regardless of what the event may be about.

Maximize Your Sponsorship Opportunities

Your event would not be possible without the help of your sponsors. In such a case, you will be able to make the most of their assistance by promoting their brand in return. The design doesn’t even have to be blatant, as there are many ways of presenting them all without distracting the attendees from the event’s main purpose.

As long as you will balance the shape and size of all the logos, text, and sponsor insignia, you will be able to come up with a shirt that is able to represent what the gathering is all about while extending your promotional capabilities.


Making a great t-shirt for your event can be quite tricky, as there are many factors to consider before you can even settle for one definite design. However, it can still be manageable if you are able to follow all of the necessary tips we have listed above.

Follow the main theme of the event, pick a durable garment, and maximize your sponsorship capabilities so that you will never come up with a bad shirt for your gathering.

If you are looking for an apparel printing company that offers custom printed t-shirts for your event, look no further than our creative expertise here at Certified Print Co. We offer a wide range of customizable options for you to choose from, enabling you to match them with your upcoming event. Contact us today and let us work on your t-shirt design ideas.