T-Shirt Printing 101: What to Put on a Charity Event Shirt

Putting on a charitable event is a difficult task. It is critical to pay close attention to every detail in order to ensure the success of an event. This includes the event shirt which each participant will receive. 

T-shirts for charity events are a great way to connect your attendees to the cause while also serving as a keepsake. They serve as a reminder of the good that has occurred as a result of an event. After all, everyone adores a memento or a souvenir! To maximize your return on investment, design an eye-catching shirt with a clear message. Finally, a well-designed shirt can aid in the spread of information about a cause. 

Read on to learn and discover the specific details when designing your next charity event shirt.

The Name of the Charity 

Make sure the charity's name is legible and prominent on your charity event t-shirts to maximize their impact. Use the charity's logo if it has one. Italicized text is acceptable in all other cases. For maximum impact, repeat the name on the back and front of the tee. 

The Occasion's Title 

Certain charitable organizations are almost entirely known for their events. Other charities organize annual events to keep participants coming back year after year. Whether you've done it before or not, including the event's name on your t-shirt is essential. This will aid in the promotion of your event, and a free t-shirt may be enough to entice participants. Ensure that anyone who sees your shirt understands what it is for. 

The Event’s Date

If your charity hosts or plans to host an annual event, incorporate the year into the design of your t-shirt. By prominently displaying the year on your shirt (perhaps after the event's name), you can turn it into a collectible item! 

Where to Look for More Information 

Make it simple for people to learn more about your charity event once their interest has been piqued by your charity event t-shirt. While the t-shirt is meant to spark conversation and participation, it is often only seen in passing. You ensure that even casual observers can learn more and participate by including a website with additional information. 

The Sponsors 

The majority of charitable events would be impossible to hold without the generous support of sponsors. Make certain that they are printed on the event t-shirts. This is sometimes included in their donation package, but even if it isn't, it's the right thing to do. Their logo will be used to entice them to donate to and sponsor future events. Don't miss out on future sponsorship opportunities–insure yourself! 

The Distinct Design 

A charity event t-design shirt is frequently the deciding factor between an item being discarded and forgotten and one being cherished and worn until it is threadbare. Design is frequently overlooked during the early stages of planning, but it should be.


When designing event t-shirts, every detail must be considered. More than its designs, you will want to include all relevant information for potential participants. When done correctly, charity event t-shirts can help your event succeed for years to come. Give it time to allow your creative juices to flow as you refine your taste and skills!

Certified Print Co. is a  t-shirt printing company that offers seamless t-shirt design and printing services. In as simple as three quick steps, you can make your creative vision come to life. Use our design lab today!


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