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Putting Quotes on Custom Tees: Is That Legally Allowed?

T-shirts are flexible apparel that is a closet staple, and since customized tees are always on the season, it's not uncommon to see shirts designed with bold, eye-catching quotes. But when you're planning to create custom t-shirts, is it legally acceptable to put in your favorite quotes?

Copyright laws make simple t-shirt designs with words from famous books, music, or movies can make anyone ponder, so should you go for it? As muddled as the laws on Fair Use law goes, it depends. 

The Basics on Intellectual Property

Before you begin, it is important to understand the basics of intellectual property. This legal framework protects original works of art such as art, music, and writings. In the United States, copyright protects the rights of people who own intellectual property, which are any works made with an original expression. 

What is Fair Use?

Fair Use is a legal doctrine that allows another's copyrighted intellectual property in certain circumstances. It compresses the fundamentals of copyright law into a simple principle: “Not everything that can be copied should be copied.”

Fair Use applies to both copyrighted material and trademarks. Generally, Fair Use is intended to protect free speech and allow for the free flow of ideas, but it has its limits.

When It's Okay to Use Quotes on T-Shirts

There are certain occasions when quoting other peoples' intellectual property is permitted. Some examples where quoting is acceptable include:

  • When the use is for academic purposes, such as quoting in a paper, book, or film review;

  • When the use of the quote is considered a parody, satire, or factual;

  • When the use is for nonprofit or educational purposes;

  • When the use of the quote is of a relatively small portion, and it is surrounded by original content;

  • When the use of the quote is incidental to the main purpose of the product;

If you plan to create t-shirts with quotes, it is essential to understand Fair Use. Although Fair Use helps you avoid legal battles, it doesn't offer you a solid and foolproof plan for legal protection.

When It's Not Okay to Use Quotes on T-Shirts

There are instances when quoting other peoples' intellectual property is not acceptable. Such instances include:

  • Using a large portion of the quote, even if it is surrounded by original content;

  • Using a quote for commercial purposes;

  • Using a quote in a way that is considered an endorsement;

  • Using a quote in a way that may confuse people who are the original creators of the quote.

As you can see, there are complexities to the laws of Fair Use, and often the outcome depends on the law of your state and the purpose of the product. There are exceptions to the rule, though, such as when you use quotes that fall under the Public Domain category, including Shakespeare, the Bible, or even the government. 

The Bottom Line: To Design or Not Design Your Custom T-Shirts with Quotes

Although it is technically possible to use famous quotes on t-shirts, it is important to remember that such an endeavor is contingent on the Fair Use laws. The safest route is to use quotes that are in the Public Domain or the ones that are not copyrighted.

Why Choose Us?

Although paying attention to these factors can help mitigate your bulk t-shirt printing costs, it's also a good idea to work with a credible t-shirt printing company.  Certified Print Co makes creating custom printed t-shirts easy for you.

All you need to do is pick your shirt, design your shirt, save it, and add it to your cart—it's that easy. Start making unique shirts that will make you stand out in the crowd today!