Get the Best Results from Custom DTG Printing

When it comes to custom printing, digital direct-to-garment (DTG) printing is one of the most popular and cost-effective methods. It’s a great way to get high quality, full color prints for a variety of apparel and materials.

But if you want to maximize the results you get from your DTG prints, there are some important tips and tricks you should know. Let’s take a closer look at how you can make sure your custom DTG prints come out looking perfect every time.

Use High Quality Images

The key to getting great results from any kind of printing job is to start with high quality images. This is especially true when it comes to DTG printing because it relies on having a good source image that is sharp, clear, and detailed.

If you don’t have access to a high quality image, you will not be able to get the best results with your DTG print. So make sure that any images you use are at least 300dpi in resolution or higher before attempting a DTG print.

Choose the Right Colors

how long does dtg printing last

If you want your DTG prints to look vibrant and eye-catching, then it’s important that you choose the right colors for your design. Generally speaking, you should avoid using too many bright or neon colors in one design as this can lead to an over-saturated effect that can make the design look garish or washed out when printed onto fabric or other materials. Instead, try using more muted tones such as pastels or earthy shades for a softer and more subtle look.

Print on the Right Material

Finally, it’s important that you choose the right material for your custom DTG printing. Different materials absorb ink differently so it’s important that you select a material that works well with your chosen ink type and design style. Generally speaking, cotton blends tend to work best but if in doubt always check with your print provider first before placing an order! 

Wrap Up!

With these tips in mind, getting great results from custom DTG printing doesn't have to be difficult! By understanding how different elements like color selection and image quality can affect the overall outcome of your print job, you can ensure that all of your custom prints come out looking amazing! So why not give digital direct-to-garment printing a try today? You won't regret it!


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