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Breaking Down The Right Quantity of Shirts for Bulk Orders

If you’re ordering custom t-shirts in bulk, whether to outfit your staff or give them away at an event, the question on your mind is probably this: how should I break down my order sizes? You're in luck since this article is all about the right way of ordering a large quantity of shirts with varying sizes. So, stick around and read on, so you know exactly what to do the next time you order your shirts in bulk.

Standard T-Shirt Sizes Breakdown

The standard t-shirt sizes are what most people will probably be ordering if they’re ordering in bulk. For example, the most common sizes are the small (S), medium (M), large (L), and extra-large (XL) sizes. Basically, they cover everyone from the very young to the older adults. That’s what you’ll be getting if you order in bulk these days.

However, there's always the possibility of having a few outliers like people asking for extra small or sizes beyond XL. If that is the case, you have no choice but to order from your suppliers in smaller quantities. That’s just how it is with bulk t-shirt orders.

Most Common Sizes by Percentage Ordered

The following list shows how customers typically order their bulk t-shirts. This is based on average sales data from a couple of shirt suppliers.

XS = 1 %

SM = 10 %

M = 23 %

L = 31 %

XL = 23 %

2XL = 9 %

3XL = 3 %

These numbers are based on the most common number of shirts placed in each size category. Remember, this can vary based on the specific style, fabric, and brand of the t-shirt.

As you can see, the most common sizes ordered by customers are small, medium, large, and extra-large. That said, extra-large is often a very popular order as well. Even so, large and extra-large t-shirts are usually ordered less often than the other three. That means you can expect that if you're ordering in bulk, you'll likely be ordering a lot of extra small, medium, and large t-shirts.

Preparing for the Unforeseen

The analysis of the most common sizes above shows that in most cases, with bulk orders, you will probably be getting the medium, large and extra-large sizes. However, there is always the possibility of outliers. Even if you are ordering a modest number of shirts, there's always the chance of a few individuals asking for the extra-small or extra-large sizes.

With that in mind, we can easily see that you need to be prepared for the unexpected. You don’t want to get stuck with a bunch of extra small or large shirts if no one is willing to buy them. That wouldn't be a smart move on your part.

How to Calculate Sizes for Your Bulk T-Shirt Order

In this case, a good rule of thumb is to be at least 10% larger than the most popular size. But remember, you want to be prepared for outliers. So, if you were to order the most popular size, which is the medium size, you would want to order around 30% of all the sizes available. (Medium is about 23%, so to be 10% larger, you order 30%.)

For Example:

If you’re ordering 650 t-shirts, you want to multiply that number against each of the following sizes based on the percentages above:

650 x .01 = 6 XS shirts

650 x .10 = 65 S shirts

650 x .23 = 149 M shirts

650 x .31 = 201 L shirts

650 x .23 = 149 XL shirts

650 x .09 = 58 2XL shirts

650 x .03 = 19 3XL shirts

If you did this, you would be prepared for any size that you could receive from your supplier. Even if you received a couple of extra-small or extra-large t-shirts, you'd have plenty of extra medium, large, and XL shirts to finish the job.


The bottom line is that you need to be able to work with a small surplus of large and extra-large shirts so that you don’t end up with a bunch of extra small and extra-large t-shirts. Remember, with bulk t-shirt orders, there’s extra work involved. That's why you need to calculate the right number of shirts to order in each size.

Certified Print Co. is your go-to place whenever you need custom shirts made for you. Whether you need custom apparel printing for an event or just for personal use, our shirts are available and can be ordered in three easy steps. Check out our design lab and order your shirts today!