6 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Print T-Shirts in Bulk

T-shirts are a part of everyday life because they're affordable and come in various styles. However, a t-shirt goes beyond that because it's a way to express yourself. You can use a shirt design to showcase a funny slogan or even a thought-provoking quote. For this reason, bulk-printing t-shirts have become a lucrative business.

Printing t-shirts in bulk is all about efficiency. With this type of business, you can often save a lot of time, money, and manpower by printing all of your t-shirts at once. Bulk printing is viable for t-shirt retailers, distributors, and even custom design companies.

If you're still not convinced, we list down the reasons why you should print t-shirts in bulk in this article. Read on below to get started.

#1 - Establishes a Brand

One of the most important reasons you should consider bulk printing is establishing a brand. In the simplest terms, Branding is all about creating a name for your business.

Your brand name is not only your identity, but it's what brings in potential customers. If your brand is easily recognizable, chances are you will be one of the first companies that people think about when it comes to certain products or services.

#2 - Promotes a Product or Service

Printing t-shirts in bulk doesn't just help with brand recognition because when you print custom t-shirts in bulk, you can distribute your promotional product or service to a broader audience. Promoting t-shirts has become a popular marketing tactic because they're easy to carry and can be worn anywhere.

Because you're printing in bulk, you can give away t-shirts in larger quantities. You can make this offer available to customers or give away t-shirts as part of a special promotion.

#3 - Creates a Sense of Community

When people print custom t-shirts in bulk, they create an opportunity to bring people together. Countless fundraising events involve selling custom products. Examples include school sports team shirts, employee uniforms, and company-wide parties.

When people associate a specific design with a particular event, they continue to remember it for a long time. Your customers will begin to associate this design with your brand. And because you're printing in bulk, you'll be able to produce as many customized t-shirts as you need.

#4 - Custom Designs Are Profitable

When you create a customized design, you're able to charge your customers higher than the regular price of a basic shirt. For this reason, designing a custom logo, photo, or slogan that can be printed on the shirt is a profitable business opportunity.

Custom designs are also suitable for printing because you can customize the style and the lettering of your design to make it stand out. This helps to showcase your brand in a more personalized and professional way.

#5 - Save on Labor Costs

You can save on labor costs when you buy printing t-shirts in bulk. For example, if you're printing 500 t-shirts, you're able to have your design printed on every single shirt in one sitting. This is much more efficient than individually printing designs on each t-shirt.

This is also helpful if you're distributing t-shirts to a large number of customers. Your design will appear on every shirt, and you will be able to avoid the tedious task of printing on every t-shirt.

#6 - Helps with Efficiency

When you're printing in bulk, you can also maximize efficiency. You can save on time, effort, and manpower because you're not going to be printing one shirt at a time. Instead, you will be able to print several shirts at a time. Additionally, printing in bulk also saves materials because you can use just one sheet of paper for the entire batch.


Printing t-shirts in bulk is an efficient way to promote your brand. If you want your business to be recognized, establishing a brand identity will make you stand out. Even the smallest details play a huge role in recognition, and printing t-shirts in bulk is one of the best ways of doing it

Certified Print Co. provides top-quality services for custom t-shirt printing in Denver. All you need to do is create your own design in our Design Lab, and we'll be ready to give you the finished product. Simply go to our website to get started!


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