5 Common T-Shirt Design Mistakes Customers Should Avoid

Tee shirts are simple yet versatile pieces of clothing that everyone can wear on the go. However, with the emergence of custom design printing companies worldwide, people now have the option to customize their tees to make them unique. But since it’s common for mistakes to occur on or before the printing process, others have gone through it to save other people from design printing mistakes.

1. Size Issues

Sizing is one of the most common mistakes in obtaining custom design printed t-shirts, especially when it comes to online printing. Designers and customers must always specify the size they want the printed material to be. If the size is not limited and the customer receives the wrong size, the customer will have to process a replacement and waste a lot of time for a simple, easily avoidable mistake.

Measurements are vital when it comes to custom tee shirt printing. It will be useless to design a t-shirt without measuring since it won’t fit the way you want it to. Some people who end up with bad-fitting tees tend to wear them anyway because they don’t want to print another one, only to realize they just wasted their money.

2. Design Alignment

The following common mistake people make letting the design alignment go astray. There will be a problem if a design has a specific place where it needs to go, and the plan does not get placed there.

A good example is when someone needs to wear a signature design on the back of their shirt, but the arrangement ends in front. Other examples are when the plan is stretched because of the wrong alignment. Failing to choose the best alignment will make the design look distorted, which is quite embarrassing.

3. Wrong Typography Choice

Legibility is the following common mistake in custom design printing. When the customer chooses a design with the wrong typeface, the plan might not be readable. It is a massive problem for those who want to wear their design but cannot read it because the printing was done with bad typography.

The legibility of the design is critical because the design must be designed to be read by the wearer or anyone else who might be looking at the design. If it is not done understandably, then the design is useless.

4. Terrible Fabric Color

Choosing the right color for the shirt is essential, not just for the design but for the fabric. Choosing a color that is not visible will make the design look horrible. Most customers prefer colorful designs, but they must still choose a visual material, mainly because most designs today are printed using white ink.

5. Bad Design

We all have seen some bad designs on t-shirts. Most of them are either misaligned or just simply bad ideas. It’s pretty simple to make a bad design, but it is rather challenging to make a good design.

Getting a custom-designed printed tee shirt is a great idea for promotional reasons and individual use. But because of common mistakes like these, many people end up designing something that does not look as great as they have imagined.


Custom design printed tee shirts are great ways to promote a brand, design, or message. Whether it is for business or personal use, these t-shirts are handy. However, when choosing a design and printing company, make sure you do your research to avoid common design printing mistakes.

Certified Print Co is a Denver-based printing company specializing in custom design shirts. If you’re looking for the best apparel companies near you, now’s your chance to take complete control of the design process. Try our design lab on our website today.


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